20+ Pictures That Show The Real Power Of Makeup

A few years ago, NikkieTutorials, was a well-known makeup artist on YouTube. She decided to show the world the power of makeup. She was tired of hearing people say mean things about people who like makeup. They were called shallow, self-centered, and basic. Then Nikkie decided to show the internet for the last time how makeup can change a person's face. She might not have known then, but many of the best beauty gurus would follow Nikkie's lead and do the same thing, creating what would become known as the makeup power challenge.

Soon, some of the best makeup artists on the internet took up the challenge and made videos to show how makeup can change a person. They tried to give people more confidence or show them how to show how they felt. But it didn't stop there. Other makeup artists also share on social media to show off their amazing "before" and "after" photos and talk about what makeup means to them.

Scroll down to see some of the coolest and most inspiring pictures from the makeup power challenge.

Where the trend started


The Power of Makeup Challenge was so appealing that even Kim K couldn't stay away from it.

With this beautiful look, Kristine Keiseraas feels strong.

Stephanie Absher Puts Her Best Face Forward for the Camera

This woman's Power of Makeup Challenge included even her hair.

Joanna loves her different looks but doesn't let them define her.

Shalom Blac talks about how makeup can help people who have been burned.

Shalom Blac 

PatrickStarrr is the main character in his Power of Makeup video on YouTube.

Another woman who isn't afraid to use makeup

Chell Hendrix talks about how she changed on YouTube.

The challenge was a global one.

This woman share a lovely photo.

What do you think her wild side is? Try guessing.

Grav3yardgirl doesn't have time to deal with makeup shamers.

This girl's makeup game has no shame at all.


In her challenge video, this beautiful woman talks about hyperpigmentation as well.

This girl puts on makeup to make her eyes stand out.


Even Terry Makeup Tutorials took up the challenge.

This woman has been given the power to put on makeup.

This woman shows how to use makeup to show how she feels.

This girl uses makeup to fill in her eyebrows and make her eyes shine.

Both with and without freckles, she has killer looks.

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